CustomLog logs/user_agents “%{user-agent}i”
Author: admin
netbackupJobs, status and start
bpdbjobs -all_columns|sort -n -t, |grep DB_arch|awk -F, ‘{print $1″,”$4″,”$42″,”$43″,”$45}’
Redhat tuning for Oracle
In /etc/sysctl update these fs.file-max net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range net.core.rmem_default net.core.rmem_max net.core.wmem_default net.core.wmem_max kernel.shmall kernel.shmmax kernel.shmmni kernel.sem
Misaligned partitions (and filesystems) cause increased i/o.
See eg 3Par doc: “All RAID devices, including HP 3PAR arrays, incur the overhead of calculating new parity after a write. A single write that spans two RAID sets will require two parity calculations. Aligning Linux disk partitions to…
Getting JBoss Connection Pool information -s localhost:1099 -u admin -p admin invoke jboss.jca:service=ManagedConnectionPool,name=ExampleDS listFormattedSubPoolStatistics
server time off, due to hardware clock out of sync
On reboot the server time can be out of sync, because hard clock is out of sync. This can be checked by running”hwclock; date” and comparing the results. In Red Hat 6, the ntpdate start-up script is is separate from…
How to get CORRECT memory usage for Linux
One of the most common mistakes made by Linux users, is to run free (Mem: line) or sar to get memory utilization. The memory used fields include the space used by the OS to cache files and directory info cace,…
Monitoring Oracle Active Session History (ASH)
To monitor Oracle Active Session History (ASH) run the following query: select total_size,awr_flush_emergency_count from v$ash_info;
Windows system info
To get window system info run systeminfo To get just OS info: systeminfo | findstr /C:”OS” OS Name: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise OS Version: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601 OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation OS Configuration: Member Server…
Backing Up WordPress Database
To use command line backup of a WordPress site. Locate you wp-config.php file. Find the DB configuration for you DB with “grep DB_ wp-config.php”. If your password is encrypted, you will need to know it. Use the output to run…