Author: admin

Adding swap file to Linux

If there are no free partitions on a disk, you can create a swap file.   Here is how you add a 12GB file. # Check what you have for swap.   We have one 4GB  swap partition. server# swapon -s Filename                               …

Oracle Version Info

Release Number Format To understand the release nomenclature used by Oracle, examine the following example of an Oracle Database server labeled “Release”. 10 – Major Database Release Number The first digit is the most general identifier. It represents a…

Identifing Linux disks

Identify scsi disk paths – Mapping Devices for disk in ‘/dev/sd*[a-z]’; do printf “%s %s\n” “$(basename $disk)” “$(scsi_id -p 0x83 -gs /block/$(basename $disk))” done

Listing tables in DB

User tables select distinct owner from dba_objects; If you logged in as Normal User without DBA permission you may uses the following command to see your own schema’s all tables and views. select * from tab; it will show all…

Java and DNS lookups

Java by default caches successful DNS lookup forever. Turning changing this will have performance impact befauce of DNS lookups and there are security concerns. If you are using load balancing that relies on DNS this will need to be changed.…

better df formating

df -P will provide 1 line per mount-point df -h -P will give human readable sizes (MB, GB, …) df -hP|column -t Will allign the output in columns